Review birthday party on 08.02.2020
55 persons from 18.00 to Open-End
“50 years of Marc” – an evening on the beach! That was the motto for the birthday party with family and friends. At the aperitif from 18.00 o’clock on, there was the famous “BeachIN-Beachdream-Cocktail, white wine or rose, as well as beer, mineral water and sweet drinks. In addition the aperitif buffet with bacon, olive bread and vegetable dips. For dinner there was a rich grill buffet with salads, potato gratin and French fries. For dessert a birthday gate and other dessert variations were provided on the buffet. Throughout the evening, drinks were served at the bar for all guests at their whim and of course there was playing, dancing and laughing until the early morning hours.
Feedback Client:
Wow – was für ein einmaliges Ambiente! Das vereinbarte “Sorglospaket” hat einwandfrei geklappt. Wir konnten feiern solange wie wir wollten und haben den ganzen Abend in vollen Zügen genossen, bis wir todmüde und überglücklich in den schönen BeachIN-Zimmern eingeschlafen sind und Tags darauf noch ein herzhaftes Frühstück serviert bekamen.
Wir sind vollumfänglich zufrieden – ein riesengrosses Merci an das ganze Team vom BeachIN!